Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday Night Potlucks

So Chris and I have been hosting potlucks after church on Sundays. This last Sunday I was extremely inspired and baked a pumpkin spice cake with vanilla glaze and cooked up a crock pot full of chili. I had been dropping hints to Chris about how I wanted a crock pot. In actuality they were more like blatant statements like "I really want a crock pot." None the less Chris found one on Craig's list for me and I came home to it after work earlier last week. All in all I think both were a success. I used my crock pot (thank you Chris), my bunt cake pan (thank you Mona Purcell), and my cake plate (thank you Grandma and Grandpa).

The finished pumpkin spice cake

Our $10 craigslist find, the bunt pan, and half eaten cake.


Gail said...

It's so fun to see you enjoy married life and hospitality. The cake looks wonderful!

bekah said...

Way to blog about your baking/cooking adventures...I vote for more of that! wish I could have enjoyed a piece with you over coffee!